Hi, I am Liam Beresford

Computer Science & Economics Student

About Me



I am currently a Computer Science and Economics duel major at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). I plan on graduating December 2025 and getting my masters in Economics at RPI by December 2026. My relevant course work and other details are listed below and on my resume.

Other Involvements


Outside of the classroom, I am on the wrestling team at RPI. I'm also a Representitive for Student Government and part of the Rensselaer Society of Engineers


Hobbies PIC

In general I enjoy most thing outdoors or active. In a lot of time outside going for walks, yard work, fishing, etc. When Im inside youll typically find me in the kitchen, playing guitar, or watching the Eagles (times have been tough)


Computer Science

  • CSCI 2700: Introduction to RCOS
  • CSCI 2600: Principles of Software
  • CSCI 2500: Computer Orginization
  • CSCI 2300: Intro to Algorithms
  • CSCI 2200: Foundations of Computer Science
  • CSCI 1200: Data Structures
  • CSCI 1100: Computer Science 1


  • ECON 4220: Applied Game Theory
  • MGMT 2100: Statistical Methods
  • ECON 2020: Intermediate Marcoeconomic Theory
  • ECON 2010: Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
  • ECON 1200: Principles Of Economics


Target picture

Fufilment Expert

Collect products around the store to fulfill online orders, prepare and stow items for customer pickup with strict time and performance standards.

Caddy picture


Provide a service of course knowledge, carrying 1-2 golfer's bags with clubs, minor course repair, equipment care and general hospitality.

Babysitting picture

Baby Sitting

Over the summer (2023) I got the opportunity to baby sit for a family with three sons. Responsobilityies inclued cooking, drop offs and pick ups from practice and entertainment through out the day.


This Website :)

I started writing this site December 2023. All HTML and CSS is listed on my github. This has been a goode experience to get some web design outside of class and I plan on coninuously updating this.


I am currently starting (spring semester 2024) and current project lead for Munch, a project for Rensselaer Center of Open Source (RCOS). At RPI we have multiple dining halls but no way to see what is being served without being there. This projects goal is to work with dining halls to have menus uploaded daily and be veiwable for students. Aditional updates will include rating systems, swipe counter, and having email alerts/ announcements.

Hat Trick

This project I made in my senior year of high school qualified me to present at the national level competition in Chicago for Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). This project used the pygame library to make a soccer game based on frogger. I am currently working on retreiving this code to be posted to my github.